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Chasak Bhatori Trek

Chasak Bhatori Trek

₹*2100 per person

Chasak Bhatori is the only Bhatori (villages dwelled by Bhots/Buddhists) among the five in Pangi valley that is not connected with a road.

To reach Chasak bhatori, one has to walk a distance of 6 kms from Chasak, the last village with road connectivity on this route. It takes around 2½ to 3 hours on an average pace for this hike. On the other end of the trek, Chasak Bhatori offers a Gumpha (Monastery) along with gorgeous views of snow-capped mountains, glaciers, high-altitude meadows and forest patches. At times, one can even sight some rare wild animals and birds here. Chasak Bhatori offers other trek routes for serious trekkers who want to go for longer duration of trek.

Highlights of the program

  • Scenic beauty on the other end
  • Chance to encounter rare animals and birds
  • 3-hour trek from the road
  • Other possible trek routes for the serious trekkers
1 Review


Overall 0

Meals 0

Accommodation 0

Transport 0

Destination 0

Value for Money 0


  • Kunal Munjal
    October 26, 2021

    Chasak Bhatori was an easy trek from the Chasak village, except for the fact that it is a high altitude trek (above 3000 m). Walked along the forest full of Bhojpatra (Himalayan Birch) trees munching Hazelnut (Thangi as they call it locally) along the way. We reached around 7-8 pm, settled in and had some local Maize beer called Patra to freshen up. The hosts were very decent and simple folks. We had an amazing taste of the local dishes as well. It was truly a cultural exchange for people on both sides of the table. Scenery wise, the starlit sky view in the night from Chasak Bhatori was breathtaking. The sunrise view amidst the snow clad mountains from the room’s window was truly mesmerizing. One must plan to stay for a night or two at least to enjoy that! The scope of trekking beyond this village is immense and would love to explore that during my next visit.

    Overall Meals Accommodation Transport Destination Value for Money

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